mercredi 26 juin 2013

Summer news

The whole Team will finish the Demo Kit till friday... We allow you to donloawd (PDF) it on our website.
this is a news too, the new website!!!

mardi 18 juin 2013

Conpulsion - April 2013 Edinburg

On the long week-end of the 12th of April the Engrenages team went to Edinburg to take part in an important event for the UK roleplaying community.

Our team was accompanied by Phil Harris and his dynamic colleagues, providing us with the opportunity to meet players from across the channel, and we left only to look forward to going back next year!

After being welcomed by Phil who allowed us to stay three full days, we were impressed by the imposing Teviot House which harbored the convention. There we were given the opportunity to meet amazing people from one stand to another.

During our stay we were able to record a podcast with Nearly Enough Dice and complete an interview with Screen-Shaped Eyes, so a great many thanks to N.E.D. For that fantastic podcast: Interview with project Engrenages (link) and to Fiona for Engrenages Interview (link).

Also special thanks to everyone from Conpulsion, especially the organizers, and of course all those who took some of their time to give our game a look and experience it for themselves.

We hope to see you all again soon

lundi 15 avril 2013

The dream team

Let us show you who is who!
This is how we look like, all authors of this epic-horror-steam-french-touch role playing game.

During our event's running you will see us, so be free to talk and ask questions.

Sophie BRIAND, Rebecca ZAHABI, Adrien BERTHELOT and Julien VASNIER

jeudi 4 avril 2013

Busy Easter...

Hope you hada happy Easter! We had rather a busy one.

Engrenages has been tried out with quite a few players. The Game Masters are now starting to feel at ease, the rules are fixed. Helped by some atmospheric music and the long evenings of the very last days of winter, the game has been met with enthusiasm.

You’ll be able to come and see the result at the Eclipse Convention of Rennes from the 5th to the 7th of April. We’re present every day of the Convention, with two tables playing at every timetable available. Most the members of the group also participated to the Convention’s scenario-writing contest. As well as the multitude of (only very slightly) drafty scenarios we already had, we can now boast with three completely written down ones, called “Dans tes rêves les plus fous”  (In your wildest dreams), “La cité perdue de Naar” (The lost city of Naar) and “Nous ne voulons pas être pardonnés” (We don’t want to be forgiven).

Nevertheless, Engrenages is still working hard at trying to get a patronage. We’ve started to hunt down unwary sponsors. For our advertising, we’ve also invested in little parcels of chocolates, in which our logo in engraved. And here’s another good reason to come and try out Engrenages – you might even get free sweets.

Chcolates for sponsors

mardi 12 mars 2013

The logo "Engrenages"

The logo "Engrenages" our image, our reference!

The IGF, our first convention

We were present in Cannes on the weekend of the 1st of March for the International Game Festival, whereroleplayinggameswererepresented by the Graal federation of the PACA region and somemembers of the GRoG. During the festival we have been able to conductour first tests, but alsogetour first feedbacks, and of course get a betterview of wherewe are heading, and what efforts will have to be made to reachthat goal.

Of course ourownGMswerethere to participate to an eventheld by the festival: the quest for the Grail. On thispicture, our GM Adrien ishaving a sample scenario played

We have returned home after this weekend more determined than ever to persist and to make Engrenages a reality.

Link to the festival:

Presenting our project

“Engrenages” is a student’s project initiated in 2013 by Sophie Briand, Julien Vasnier and Adrien Berthelot. The authors are all members of the Kedge Business School (formerly know as Euromed Management).
The project consists in the creation of a role play game called “Engrenages”, taking place in a steampunk universe.

The players are set in the megalopolis Havengrinn, in an alternativ America tainted with magic. Humans of the Old Continent have built a gigantic city on the East coast of the new world. Havengrinn is a city of high towers, circled by vast zeppelins, filled with huge steam-powered factories and deep, mysterious undergrounds. Here, every man fights for more influence. Havengrinn is nothing less than the chess board of a great political game between men of this new world.
The players shall be workers, mercenaries or simple witnesses weaved in a vaster pattern. Although life is rational, at night the occult is set free. In the dephts of wells, catacombs and mines, horror and madness roam. One musn’t forget that only the East coast belongs to the human realm, whereas the rest of America is occupied by the natives, a civilization of saurian humanoids named the Secades, that only tolerate men as long as they stay behind their battlements.

A cross of pulp and gothic fiction, “Engrenages” plunges it’s players in steampunk tales on the dangerous edge between reality and imagination, sanity and madness. Thanks to an innovating two-dice system, the players will have to make delicate choices between the lure of power and their control over their actions. They shall also have to be careful about the limits of their minds and bodies if they don’t want to vanish for good.