We were present in Cannes on the weekend of the 1st of March for the
International Game Festival, whereroleplayinggameswererepresented by the Graal
federation of the PACA region and somemembers of the GRoG. During the festival
we have been able to conductour first tests, but alsogetour first feedbacks,
and of course get a betterview of wherewe are heading, and what efforts will
have to be made to reachthat goal.
Of course ourownGMswerethere to participate to an eventheld by the festival: the quest for the Grail. On thispicture, our GM Adrien ishaving a sample scenario played
We have returned home after this weekend more determined than ever to persist and to make Engrenages a reality.
Link to the festival: http://www.festivaldesjeux-cannes.com/1.aspx
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